Wealth Warriors Success Ensurance Coaching

“Pay It Forward” Apprentice Millionaire Coaching Circle

Insights, actions, resources and challenges for building Winning Mindsets,
Happiness, Prosperity and Wealth, in an ever challenging world.

Please read completely, complete and return to get your next session notes

Wealth COACH’S COMMENT – Sample layout 

Dear Apprentice Wealth Warrior

Thank you for subscribing to my WEALTH WARRIORS: Wealth Awareness & Mindset Mastery Coaching Project. This first email is a pre-project introduction for the full 12 session system.

Thanks for your time. As you participate, you are my co-developer and coachees, as I refine and enhance this process, and the Wealth Gladiator Mindset & Awareness project content.


Why am I doing this… because unless you do something different from the masses this is your scary destiny… 95% guaranteed

Out of 100 people that start working at the age of 25 – by the age of 65*…

  • 1 is wealthy
  • 4 have enough money to just retire
  • 12 are still working/ Have to keep on working past 65
  • 54 depend on Social Security or CHARITY
  • 29 are deceased


*This information comes from a study done by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and it indicates that typically only around 5% of people over the age of 65 are able to retire!

This is your challenge. It’s a TSUNAMI coming… it’s on its way!! It’s no maybe, it’s adead cert!.

My Intention

In the following sessions I will be exposing you to numerous ideas, thoughts, insights, possibilities and SWIFT action opportunities. This will include attitude engineering, Mindset Mastery, coaching, “possibility” pushing and comfort-zone stretching exercises, as well as insights and wisdom I have from gained over 57 years, in this arena of life.

YOU will be the one who controls your results, depending upon the level of participation, mental belief-shifts, Mindset transformation, personal commitment and focused SWIFT action.

I will reveal to you some of the most important secrets of self-made Millionaires and truly successful people. I will also share other interesting, LifeShifting wisdoms that I’ve discovered. I will share most of what I have learnt in 36 years of dedicated personal research, searching and experience.

There will be reading, exercises, insightful thoughts and new perspectives for you to seed into your Head, Heart and Soul. a transformation of your MINDSET.

My INTENTION is that YOUR MINDSET and RESULTS will be upgraded and transformed, for the better, forever, by your new thoughts, MINDSET, feelings and positive & SWIFT actions.

It’s about building your money and MINDSET muscles… a little bit EVERY DAY

Many are called – FEW TAKE SWIFT ACTION

MOST FAIL to take requisite SWIFT ACTION!

Many of the initial subscribers over the last few weeks and months have failed!

  • They’ve failed in many ways.
  • They failed to follow my requests.
  • They failed to follow through.
  • They failed to persist.
  • They failed to get serious about their own success.
  • They failed to squeeze the juice out of life.
  • They failed to take full responsibility and control of their destiny.

For them… We KNOW what the future holds.

You could go the same way… unless you make the irrevocable decision…

An irrevocable “take-no-prisoners”, “fight for your life”, decision to build a WINNING  MINDSET, supported by massive, focussed SWIFT ACTION.  and do what it takes to achieve your dreams and goals with Passion, Intent, Learning and Love.

The people I was speaking of, used their old beliefs about people, opportunity and possibility. They failed to follow through! They have really failed themselves, with possibly devastating consequence

Due to some challenges I had with the technology, web, spam blockers and filters, I was delayed somewhat. Only 1% of subscribers emailed me again to ask me about the 12 sessions…or where and how and what and why.

ONLY 1% were interested enough in their future to take action!

The rest.. are still WAITING!
Waiting for life to give them the answers.
Waiting for someone to happen to them.
Waiting for something to “happen” to them.
Waiting for life to come to them.

They failed to do something different. They failed to ACT with passion, persistence and focus. a Mistake because their destiny rests in their hands!

I trust that you will be different. You have the answers inside. YOU have to “happen” to life! …Rather than life happening to you!



This email layout is an example of what you will be receiving each session.

Your Action is required to move to the next step. You must send the feedback to get the next session’s notes.

Some of the most outstanding traits of successful people is:

1: they have discipline,

2: that they have the ability to “move” people…To energise & inspire people to commit, collaborate, share a vision of possibility and then act with focus.

They have the power of stepping out of their comfort-zones to create results. They move through the fear of rejection and fear of failure and come out the other side… powerful people with stroong, growth-oriented MINDSETS.

“Remember… Timid sales people have skinny kids”… If you want to create greater success… you are going to have to DO, what unsuccessful people are too scared or lazy, to DO.

Engage a Buddy

To begin to stretch your comfort-zone, and to show your commitment to YOUR own success… you are requested to consider inspiring and motivating a friend or 2 to participate and grow with you in this Wealth Awareness Coaching Project as your “Action Buddy/ies”.

You can be the Action Energiser of your team.

Send your Action-Buddy/ies, to the project subscription page on www.coachfree.com/
and please let me know when you have successfully done so.

Energy begins with yourself and then others. There is a reason that more than 80% of people are not financially sound – They’ve never stepped up in their lives and taken the lead or created the energy and focus…nor take the actions required to produce the necessary results.

Now is your chance.

If you were invited onto another person’s team as an Action Buddy, I’m suggesting that you consider inviting your own friend or 2 onto YOUR OWN PEER COACHING TEAM, where YOU are the Action Energiser.

Followers seldom reap the rewards of leaders.. Become the leader of your own life! Make the decision… today… right now.

Perfect Practice Makes Perfect.

So, on one team you may be the coachee/supporter/Action-Buddy and on YOUR own team you will be the Leader, coach and Action Energiser.

Chance for you to grow – in a safe & supportive process. Please take action now. Get your Action Buddies involved, as begin to build a brighter future…now.

Yours in SWIFT Action and Results.

Namaste’ – Integrity, Freedom, Love, Abundance, Peace, Joy begin with me.

Tony Dovale
SA’s #1 Energy Coach and Alchemist


P.S. Please complete the questions below and send them back to me. Thanks in advance.

The Journey (Sample)

There will be a story for you to follow that is designed to get you to see a whole lot more than you may currently see.


Things to think about to alter your perceptions and ideas…

NOW WHAT? (Sample)

So IF you are ready to consider some alternatives… Lets get cracking…

“What do you really need to be successful?
Opportunity to explore your internal limiting stuff?”


I will be giving you thoughts, ideas, exercises to get you to begin to alter your past programming, limiting beliefs and start to create more positive, productive results. Discover the Attractor-factor and the Art of Allowing process.


…..Make you really think here – Stuff about the Secret and The Secret Behind The Secret.

Refer a friend

Its a proven fact, that if you include friends/associate to act as PEER coaches, you will achieve greater results, faster. Maybe help yourself choose 2 buddies to join you on this journey.

[tell-a-friend id=”1″ title=”Tell a friend”]


[si-contact-form form=’5′]



Is this project really FREE? Yes! I believe in GIVING before I expect to get. Giving transforms HAVING into BE-ing

You may know about the “Have…Do.. Be” model of life.

Well by my actions and my Giving and Do-ing, I am transforming “Having” into experiencing my BEing-ness of …abundance – truly experiencing that I HAVE IT.

This is the foundation of the Secret behind the Secret. Feeling great… Feel the feeling first to create the reality  afterwards. More on that later.

It is my sincerest intention to coach you along an adventure of discovery and action, to apply some of the best information, powerful tools, simple strategies, and mental programmes, I have discovered and developed over the last 36+ Years.

P.S. As your Coach I will be asking you lots of questions. Getting you to discover, understand, and take action in areas where you require a shift, and perceive things you never believed possible.

I don’t DO it for you… That’s your part of the adventure.

You are the one who will first BECOME it, DO it & then HAVE it.

And there is your first “Secret” tip… Stay awake and aware – all is not what it seems. Read every part of these emails – maybe even multiple times to ensure you discover all the clues, insights & info.

P.P.S Please get yourself a really nice folder (File) and label it something like – “My Adventures into Abundance and Wealth”.


  • Remember your personal  information will be kept confidential.
  • Have you created a Success Ensurance Wealth Coaching Project file/Diary for yourself yet?
  • To the level you participate fully, will you achieve your desired outcomes. The way you play this game is identical to how you play at life. So lets see how you are doing.
  • Lets get some action here please.
  • Ps If you discover some typos, please give me feedback so I can rectify them as we grow along.


Wealth Masters is sponsored by Tony Dovale and Life Masters(Pty) Ltd. v2020.05.20a – lifemasters.co.za