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“Awesome!!… improved my self-confidence and my commitment to clear goals” - Helen


“It was life changing. This really was mind and life changing”- Bosman


“The presentation was a complete surprise form me and mind blowing.” -Jacques


“My expectations were totally surpassed” – Jenny


“Blown away! Could not improve…Thank you!” – Carol


“The last day of my Phoenix Adventure rates as one of the 10 most amazing
 things I have ever done” - Patrick


“ABSOLUTELY AWESOME are the only 2 words I can use to describe
the feelings, thoughts and energy experiences that I experienced today” – Darryl


“WOW… That was undoubtedly the most powerful thing for me”…Renate

  “Helped me focus on today, not tomorrow, and Trust myself” – Rene


“In every possible way it touched every point in my life. 10 out of 10.
Workshop leader was awesome” – Zelda


“The workshop helped me to find myself and to love myself. I know I can go higher” – Rita


“I never expected to get out what I did. EVERYBODY in business should
do this course. I call it Lifeline!!! Tony is amazing. I wouldn’t trade anything
 in the world for what he taught me - Thuli


“Helped me get rid of my boundaries. Ten out of ten!” – Naseem


“Thank you for everything you taught me about myself on the Phoenix Adventure.
  It was already there, but now thanks to your guidance, I was able to
 find myself again. This course could have been two Million Rands…
 but it was worth every penny. Thanks so much! - Jenny


I walked out a completely changed person… I’m now happy Confident,
 and I’ve let go of all of my anger. I FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF!!. For
 the first time in ages.  – Christine


One of the best Courses I have ever attended. I am glad to have attended
 and recommend it to all – Ingrid


After the Phoenix experience, I felt refreshed and overwhelmed with
 Happiness. I was free a last and I felt GREAT…I can’t believe that
week-end changed my life in such a big way and I’m really thankful for it. – Lionli


Believe in the strength that is within each of us"
- the strength to choose to become victors.”

I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank you, on behalf
of the team, for an excellent motivational presentation.  You truly
touched our lives and changed it forever!  On a personal note I would
 like to thank you for accomplishing what 7 years of psychological
therapy could not do – Thank you!




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    "Wealth is made
    on the inside before you
    create it on
    the outside"


     "You can only give to others what you have inside yourself"


    "When you judge others, you do not define them, You define yourself"


    "You are not stuck where you are, unless you choose
     to be"


    "You are creating it all.  Nobody else is doing it to you."


    "Releasing judgment of others is releasing judgment of yourself."


    "Search for the Hero inside yourself."